EDITORIAL: Fireworks committee deserves praise

There’s no question that a lack of Canada Day fireworks in Vernon this year is disappointing.

There’s no question that a lack of Canada Day fireworks in Vernon this year is disappointing.

After all, a pyrotechnics show is a terrific wrap-up to day-long activities celebrating this great nation of ours.

Disappointment aside, though, we should acknowledge those who made the July 1 fireworks a tradition residents came to anticipate.

Leading the pack was Terry Schmauder, a local financial advisor who chaired a volunteer committee for 12 years and often single-handily ensured plans for the fireworks came together, including raising the almost $30,000 needed for explosives.

Schmauder is always quick to give credit to sponsors, committee members and firefighters from BX-Swan Lake and Vernon who provided their expertise.

“We all shared a sense of civic and national pride in putting on the Canada Day fireworks display and entertainment,” he said.

Twelve years is a lot to expect from a volunteer and Schmauder should be proud of what he achieved for the community and the country.

And while there are no fireworks for 2015, we hope Schmauder’s legacy will continue. But for that to occur in 2016 and years beyond, a group of volunteers needs to step up to the plate to fundraise and plan. Also critical to this process is the City of Vernon, which has had representation on the organizing committee, assisted in grant applications and provided behind-the-scenes assistance. There has to be a catalyst to reignite fireworks and the city can provide that leadership.

If everything comes together, the skies above Vernon will glitter again on Canada Day.


Vernon Morning Star