Editorial: Fresh, new faces needed on council

The prospect of four-year council terms raises questions

It’s almost that time again. The “E” word pops up in general conversation and more people are seen in the gallery at the municipal hall. Election. They may be there observing council or they may be there gathering information on the current issues at hand.  It’s the time when all the hopefuls for a seat on council begin lining up, speaking up or even not speaking out. The rumours always run rampant as to who is vying for the mayor’s chair and who is running in the Juan de Fuca, who’s wanting a shot at being a councillor and who should run.

Sooke needs some new blood, some new voices on council and some representation from the younger generation. The rhetoric is getting tired when it comes from the same source year after year. The perceived conflicts of interest start to be a little more glaring and the excuses get lame. Let’s hope we have some new councillors come November as they can bring a new, fresh perspective to the council table.

Whoever gets elected will be the last to serve a three-year term. With the four-year term looming it will be interesting to see if we have fewer citizens willing to serve the public good for that length of time. It’s a long commitment.

What the electorate needs to consider now is who can best serve the community over the next three long years. The key here is “serve the community” not serve themselves. It’s difficult in a small town to sever one’s own interests/occupation in the best interest of the entire community. A councillor needs to work for everyone, not just their own special interest group.

Will the four-year terms be a good thing or a negative? Only time will tell. It may help council accomplish their goals and it may provide a little stability for staff as they all learn to work together for the good of Sooke. And that’s what it’s about, working for the good of the entire community.

Sooke News Mirror