Editorial: Grassroots vision comes to fruition with Sno’uyutth

Sno’uyutth will stand for decades as a symbol of what a community can achieve when we all come together

A long-standing dream of the community became a reality Sunday, when members of local First Nations communities gathered with residents and local dignitaries at Oak Bay High for the traditional blessing of Sno’uyutth, the welcome pole that now stands outside the school.

The dream that began with the Community Association of Oak Bay in early 2014, quickly took hold, capturing hearts and minds of local residents, business owners, Rotarians, mayor, council and school officials.

Bringing the dream alive, Songhees carver Butch Dick created a design that truly speaks to the nature of the community, a design crafted beautifully in yellow cedar by his son, carver Clarence Dick.

The Oak Bay News is proud to have been a partner in this significant event for the community, prouder still that it came from the people and stands for everyone to enjoy, as its name says, “spreading good energy.”

“I’m honoured to be up here today, not only to share this time with my family but to embrace an opportunity for us to work together in the spirit of Sno’uyutth, creating that good energy, those good feelings that help us so we move forward not only as communities but as individuals,” Bradley Dick told the assembled crowd as he led the ceremony.

Sno’uyutth will indeed stand for decades to come as a symbol of what a community can achieve when we all come together for a common goal.

The energy is indeed good.






Oak Bay News