(Adam Louis/Observer)

EDITORIAL: Hello again, dear readers

Glad to be back, says editor Adam Louis

Did you miss me?

Hello again, dear readers. I’m still easing my way back into the editorial chair at the Agassiz-Harrison Observer. Each of my adventures within the sacred halls of Black Press has been unique, but none quite feel like home the way the Aberdeen building on Pioneer Avenue does.

For those who may not be familiar with me or my work, hello. My name is Adam Louis. I’ve worked as a journalist and professional writer in various capacities for most of my recent working life. I live in Chilliwack with my lovely wife, just a hop and skip away from the Agassiz townsite.

The year 2020 was, in short, a lot, even in our quiet home. What the remainder of 2021 brings us remains to be seen, but I’m optimistic.

Some of us have lost loved ones to COVID-19. While some have passed away from this awful disease, others are dealing with lingering respiratory effects.

When I left The Observer at the very beginning of the year, the fear of missing out really crept in. It’s safe to say nearly all of us experienced loss of income, job security, social interactions, closure, mental and physical health, friendships over pandemic-related disagreements and so much more.

While our big losses may lessen as the pandemic slowly takes its leave, wrestling with big losses will always be there. What surprised me more about the past year is how much the little things really make a difference. Prior to the pandemic, when I was still trying to navigate an icy highway on my way to train with Black Press in Surrey, I was looking forward to it all. The Harrison Festival of the Arts. The 125th anniversary of the District of Kent. Sasquatch Days. Christmas events.

Though certainly not what I expected, it turned out modified versions of most of the above would come to pass, thanks to the hard work of our healthcare workers, local and provincial governments and countless other dedicated yet unsung heroes during the pandemic. While what we have lived through in the past year has been the farthest cry from anything we once considered normal, so many banded together to make it the best it could possibly be.

It’s that sense of inherent alliance, the instinct to assemble and accomplish, that I suspect I will most remember after the pandemic is done.

Whether you’re involved in distributing much needed vaccines, healthcare and emergency work or doing something simple like wearing a mask and practicing social distancing, thank you. You’re doing your part to keep your fellow people healthy and safe. Even if it feels like you’re not doing anything, it’s inconvenient or you’re discouraged by some bad news related to the pandemic, please know you are helping how you can, and that’s all any of us can ever ask of you.

With all that being said, my figurative door is always open to you and to your ideas, your photos and your thoughts. I’m slowly catching up on the goings-on of the past few months as I zero in on the communities most pressing trials and uplifting triumphs.

Before I leave you to the rest of your day, I want to reiterate something that was perhaps left unsaid the first time I introduced myself. No idea is too small when it comes to the paper. It’s those small, character moments that not only make my job ever so much more enjoyable, but those same moments can be forever recorded as memories for generations to enjoy.

Like I said, it’s the little things that sometimes make the biggest differences, even if it’s just to one person.

Long live local news, and long live Agassiz and Harrison. It’s good to be back.

@adamEditor18adam.louis@ ahobserver.com Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Agassiz-Harrison Observer