Editorial: Honouring our contributers

Whether motivated by profit or plain old stubbornness, there’s something to be honoured for those who contribute to our Terrace, B.C. city.

Just being nominated means someone took notice.

Just being nominated means someone took notice.

The impressive list of businesses, organizations and individuals nominated for this year’s Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Awards proves once again that regardless of world-shaking events and the ups and downs of the national and local economies, there remain those who every day get up and go to work, and who volunteer and endeavour to generally improve the lot of their business or community.

Pedal to the metal. Nose to the grindstone. Take your pick of sayings. Whether motivated by profit to create the overall wealth needed for any society to thrive or just plain old stubbornness within a business environment or volunteer sphere, there’s a certain something about the human spirit that rises to the occasion.

All of that and more is particularly evident in smaller cities such as Terrace and the surrounding area where small businesses are established daily by those willing risk capital in both monetary and personal terms, and where small groups of volunteers seek to help others or stage sporting and cultural events highlighting local talent.

The winners of this year’s Business Excellence Awards will be announced at a Terrace and District Chamber of Commerce gala Oct. 15.

To those who are nominated, congratulations. Regardless of who does win, simply being nominated is a sign that someone has taken notice.

Terrace Standard