EDITORIAL: Inform yourself, and vote

It’s definitely an acquired taste, to sit and listen to election candidates square off in debate.

It’s definitely an acquired taste, to sit and listen to election candidates square off in debate.

It’s usually a lot of party bashing, and boasting for their own, but the most recent forums in Vernon have proven to be an exception.

Despite the odd under-handed remark, all of the candidates were well-behaved.

It’s refreshing to see everyone playing so nicely.

While many would still rather not sit through any form of political debate, it is the first step in any democratic process.

The only way to be informed is get out there and hear the views of each of the candidates. It’s not enough to simply pick orange or blue because you’re sick of red, or keep red as the better of all three evils.

Read the newspapers, listen to the radio talk shows, search out party platforms and attend the forums – if you can.

Lucky for Vernon-Monashee voters, there are plenty of opportunities to hear the candidates.

Back-to-back forums took place Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Then there are two more opportunities next week: Monday at the Performing Arts Centre at 7 p.m. and Wednesday at Lumby’s White Valley Community Centre at 6 p.m.

Over in the Shuswap riding there are also two forums next week: Tuesday at the Enderby Seniors Complex at 7 p.m. and Wednesday in Armstrong at the Centennial Theatre at 7.

But even if you get out to a forum or follow it up in the newspaper, none of it matters if you don’t get out and vote.

The provincial election is May 14, with advance voting May 8 to 11.

It’s hoped that voter turnout won’t be as dismal as it was at the recent referendum.

—The Morning Star



Vernon Morning Star