Celebrate women in leadership, March 8, International Women’s Day 2021 (Unsplash)

EDITORIAL: International Women’s Day 2021 shines spotlight on achievements, ongoing inequities

COVID-19 increased gender-based violence, economic stress, the burden of care giving for women

The global theme for International Women’s Day 2021, March 8, is “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world.”

It is a day to recognize the achievements of women and girls all over the world, raise awareness against bias and take action for equality.

“Unfortunately, women still face cultural, socio-economic and political barriers to accessing leadership,” according to the International Women’s Development Agency.

Women stand on the front lines as health care workers, caregivers, innovators, community organizers and leaders in their community. The pandemic has put a spotlight on the tremendous efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and recovery from the pandemic.

Read More: International Women’s Day 2021: #choosetochallenge

In 1911, when IWD was established, only eight countries allowed women to vote and equal work for equal pay was unheard of, if they were allowed to work at all, and reproductive rights were non-existent, according to the IWDA.

Women are now leading countries and running corporations, but there are many places all over the world, where women’s rights are not equal.

A United Nations policy brief noted, “Across every sphere, from health to the economy, security to social protection, the impacts of COVID-19 are exacerbated for women and girls simply by virtue of their sex” and continues to say that even limited gains made over the last decade are at risk.

Throughout the pandemic, more women than men have been diagnosed and died from COVID-19, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada, and a reason could be because of the higher number of women who work on the front line or live in nursing homes and seniors residences.

The risk of gender-based violence, economic stress, the burden of care giving and housework and reduced access to support services were increased for women when it came to isolation measures imposed to prevent the spread of the virus.

In Williams Lake so many women in the community represent us in local government, support us in the hospital, medical and dental clinics and head up restaurants and cafés, pharmacies, grocery stores and so many more small and large businesses around town.

Don’t forget about the young women in school, who will be the future leaders, healers, fixers and innovators of our community, and our world.

More and more, we close the gap in gender disparities in sports, business, education and health care, but there is still much more to be done.

-Black Press Media

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