EDITORIAL: Internet funding makes sense

Provincial funding will have a positive impact on Cherryville residents

The Internet has virtually become an essential in most houses, right along with the toaster, refrigerator and TV.

The world wide web is used for searching for employment, doing homework, planning vacations, looking for homes to rent or buy and, of course, recreation.

But while most of us take  the Internet for granted, it’s still a luxury for residents in some rural areas.

That’s why it’s good to hear that the provincial government is investing $250,000 towards extending high-speed Internet to Cherryville.

What this service will mean is that the large number of home-based businesses in the community will now be on a level playing field with counterparts elsewhere. The will not have to fight with dial-up modems to download large files and they will be able to bid on contracts immediately instead of having to send off packages through traditional mail.

The world has changed and that means communication methods that were once accepted in the business world are now considered old-fashioned and antiquated.

And the same approach goes for education. With unlimited information available on the Internet, that is the first source most students turn to when handed a project by a teacher.

There have apparently been cases where families, retirees and businesses have wanted to move to Cherryville because of the small town atmosphere, but didn’t because broad-band Internet doesn’t exist.

So while the novelty of the Internet has worn off for some of us, it promises opportunities for Cherryville and will allow the community to become sustainable for years to come.


Vernon Morning Star