EDITORIAL: Keeping local charities in mind

Tis the season.....well, for a lot of things when you pause to think about it for a few minutes

Tis the season…..well, for a lot of things when you pause to think about it for a few minutes.

A time for shopping and preparing for Christmas, a time for gift giving, a time for family reunions, a time for holiday traditions, a time for festival concerts and, thanks to the weather lately, a time for outdoor activities in the great white north.

Although it can seem hectic at times, sparking more than a few anxious moments of pondering if it’s all worth it, hopefully once the hustle and bustle of the season has wound down to the big day, there’s enough goodwill and fellowship around to truly enjoy each other’s company and a few more treasured moments are registered in the holiday memory bank.

One thing we want to point out at this special time of the year is how much local charities depend on that same holiday goodwill and fellowship to ensure their coffers are topped up for the year ahead.

So we encourage everyone to have a merry Christmas with family and friends but we also point out that the North Okanagan community at large is also part of our daily lives, indeed our family, and the need is there.

Some campaigns are falling behind this year and at times it’s difficult to know where the need is the greatest or your dollars can do the most good.

All we want to emphasize is that ensure you keep your fellow man and woman in your thoughts this holiday season and give what you can to a worthy charity of choice, or two if you can swing it. You’ll soon discover it is better to give than to receive.


Vernon Morning Star