Editorial — Langley Township is looking to the future with bike route plans

This is exciting and exceptionally forward-thinking initiative by Langley Township.

Langley Township has come up with an ambitious program to vastly expand cycling routes over the next 50 years. This is exciting and exceptionally forward-thinking.

There is no doubt that cycling can be a viable alternative to car travel in this area, where weather is mild for most of the year. B.C. residents are among the most physically active in Canada, and having more cycle routes offers more opportunities to stay active.

The plan calls for adding 360 kilometres of on-street cycling lanes to the existing 64, and also adding 160 kilometres of off-street cycling lanes.

It would be worthwhile to look more closely at the off-street plans, and see if that projected number could be expanded significantly. Off-street cycling trails minimize the chances of crashes involving cyclists and vehicles — crashes that usually do not work out well for those using two wheels.

Langley Township already has some very good off-street cycling trails in Walnut Grove and Willoughby. In the case of the South Langley regional trail, it has one that combines both on-street and off-street.

The South Langley trail is a good example of a trail which can offer a significant alternative to a busy street, in its case 16 Avenue. It cuts across the municipality but there are almost no conflicts between cyclists and vehicle traffic. In addition, most of the route has a slight grade.

It’s good the Township is making cycling a higher priority.

Langley Times