EDITORIAL: Lumby will need our support

Pat Duke Memorial Arena has seen better days, therefore all urged to support Lumby in bid for Hockeyville

Pat Duke Memorial Arena in Lumby has been the heart of the community for decades.

Residents gather there regularly for minor hockey, figure skating and special events.

However, the reality is the facility has seen better days. Specifically, the dressing rooms are inadequate.

“Girls can’t change with guys, obviously, so the girls are squeezed into an itty-bitty room that can hold, maybe, six girls, all their gear and there’s only one shower,” said Stephanie Davyduke, with Lumby Minor Hockey.

Issues also revolve around flooring and heating.

Not satisfied with the situation, residents are attempting to have Lumby land a spot in the top-10 Kraft Hockeyville 2016 contest, which sees the winning entry host an NHL pre-season game and $100,000 in upgrades for the local arena.

Just the fact that residents are doing this demonstrates the pride they have in their community and the desire to improve the recreational experience for their youth. Such upgrades can be costly for taxpayers alone so the Hockeyville contest provides a great opportunity.

The online nomination process continues until Feb. 7 and it’s likely even more will make the case for Lumby.

The top 10 communities from across Canada will be announced March 5 and then voting for each entry will begin. Ultimately, two entries will go head-to-head for the title of Kraft Hockeyville 2016.

And when Lumby makes the cut March 5, that’s where we need everyone in the North Okanagan to get on board.

Lumby will need all of us, from Cherryville to Falkland and from Oyama to Grindrod, to cast a ballot.

Get ready to do your part.



Vernon Morning Star