EDITORIAL: Make sure you vote

Greater Vernon residents encouraged to vote Saturday whether to borrow $7.5 million for running track and sports field at Okanagan College.

If the advanced polls are any indication, and hopefully they are, there should be an encouraging turnout for Saturday’s referendum on borrowing up to $7.5 million for a running track and sports field at Okanagan College.

On March 27, some 1,225 ballots were cast in the first advanced poll, and then a further 1,445 people cast ballots on Wednesday in the second and final advanced poll.

The numbers are “higher than expected” say officials and that’s a good thing as the community decides whether to make the investment in this facility or not.

Let’s hope people weren’t going to the advanced polls strictly for convenience purposes and Saturday’s vote actually exceeds expectations.

Democracy only works when people take part in it and we encourage all residents of Greater Vernon to get involved in this important decision on our future, because, well, it is our future.

Whether you agree with the vision or not, a lot of people have  invested time and effort, and yes, money, to get this proposal to the stage where we get to have our say – to not exercise our duty to vote would be wrong on so many levels.

The debate of pros and cons has taken place in the coffee shops and by the office water coolers across Greater Vernon, not to mention the letters to the editor pages of this newspaper, it is time to make your mark and help decide your community’s future.

Polls are open Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Priest Valley Gym, Coldstream Elementary, BX Elementary and Ellison Elementary.

Please vote.



Vernon Morning Star