Editorial: Make your mark on Canada

In this edition of The Times, we have published the last of eight profiles of candidates in the running to represent the two newly rejigged Langley ridings in Ottawa.

Each was given the opportunity to introduce themselves to voters and to make their case as to why they deserve your vote.

We also talked to a cross-section of people in the communities to find out what issues are most important to them as we head to the polls on Monday.  We published those as “Voters’ Voices” and you can find them on our website at langleytimes.com, along with the candidate profiles.

We’ve also covered each of four all-candiates meetings, hosted by the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce and the Langley Seniors Resources Society.

Those stories are online, too, along with much more coverage, which looks at the federal election from a wider perspective— stories we simply didn’t have the space to publish in our print edition.

It’s all there, under the Federal Election 2015 tab.

If you are still undecided about who to vote for come Monday, we’d encourage you to take a few minutes to go to our website, look over a few stories and check out the candidate profiles for your riding.

Then decide which person most closely represents your values and give them your vote.

Whether you’re anxious for change or happy with the status quo, when it comes to serving democracy, your ballot is as vital as the next guy’s — no matter how much of a lock for one candidate or another you believe your riding might be.

If last weekend’s advance polls are any indication, Canadians are eager to have their voices heard this time around — and that’s very encouraging.

As for those of us who didn’t make it out to vote on one of those four days, it’s up to us to keep up the momentum and to help ensure the government we elect is the one the majority of Canadians, from coast to coast to coast, want to see in power.

Langley Times