EDITORIAL: Ministry miffs locals with plans

So the provincial government essentially wants to pave the way for development in Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park.

So the provincial government essentially wants to pave the way for development in Kalamalka Lake Provincial Park.

That’s the feeling some local politicians are getting following a meeting earlier this week where the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure laid out its plans.

Technically it’s still in the proposal stage, but apparently the ministry wants to upgrade and widen Cosens Bay Road through the park significantly.

So no wonder some are raising their eyebrows at the proposal.

Not to mention the fact that this has apparently been in the plans for about 10 months, yet this is the first anyone around here has heard about it.

In fact the proposed plans were revealed to Coldstream council in an in-camera meeting Monday.

So it makes you wonder what the big secret is all about?

All of the details will hopefully come out sooner than later with a public meeting to gain some input on the plan.

That’s where the public can decide whether the plans are worth impacting the park for.

One valid push for the plan is safety.

Cosens Bay cabin owners have vocally shared their safety concerns regarding the road in letters to The Morning Star.

The road has also been identified  as one of the worst in the province, as it placed third in the BCAA Worst Roads survey this year. The main reason Cosens Bay Road earned so many votes was for pedestrian/cycling safety. So perhaps the ministry has plans to build a safer route for the non-motoring public with the upgrade?

Whatever the reason, some aren’t convinced that this road needs attention when busier roads such as Silver Star topped the worst roads list.


Vernon Morning Star