EDITORIAL: NDP provides tired, old rhetoric

The diatribe issued by the party and critic David Eby is full of nothing but political posturing.

It’s great that the provincial NDP has taken notice of Vernon.

No sooner had the media reported on Liberal MLA Eric Foster’s presentation to Vernon council about homelessness and the NDP issued a blistering attack.

What will it take to convince Eric Foster and Christy Clark to do everything they can to address this crisis? How many more Vernon tent cities?” said David Eby, the NDP’s housing critic, in a press release.

“Eric Foster said his government could do more, but it refuses to. That’s simply not acceptable.”

Obviously the Liberal response to the homeless crisis in B.C. communities is flawed. Tent cities continue to pop up while the provision of affordable housing lags. Access to addiction and mental health services can be challenging.

So the NDP, as B.C.’s official opposition, is within its rights to speak out against the government.

However, the diatribe issued by the party and Eby is full of nothing but political posturing. There are absolutely no suggestions as to how the homeless situation should be tackled in Vernon or elsewhere in the province.

It’s media releases like this that makes many voters cynical about the political system.

In a few short months, British Columbians will head off to the polls to elect a new government.

The NDP want the job, but hopefully by May, they actually bring some concrete plans and solutions to the stable instead of tired, old rhetoric.


Vernon Morning Star