Editorial: Never too late to help brighten a Christmas

As we draw ever closer to Christmas Day, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all that we have to do at this time of year.

For some it means trying to find time to finish your gift shopping for loved ones, for others it can be organizing a holiday office gathering that gives employees a little perk to honour their efforts through the year.

Still others, such as those of us in the community newspaper industry find themselves working extra hours to arrange and co-ordinate the end-of-year seasonal news and advertising packages that give our readers an interesting mix of news, information and entertainment during the relaxing days over the holidays.

For those people who have committed time, money and emotional currency to making Christmas a little brighter for individuals and families in our communities who don’t have as much to celebrate, these final weeks can also be very stressful.

This year especially, volunteers at many  organizations are scrambling to make a smaller amount of cash donations go as far as it has in past years, so as not to disappoint those in need.

Being able to afford nice and/or appropriate gifts for our loved ones not only provides a strong sense of accomplishment for many people, it feels good making their lives somewhat easier or more comfortable.

But before you race out and spend those last few dollars on some extra goodies for your children’s stockings, or just one more gift in an attempt to make your Christmas giving “perfect,” why not consider taking some or all of those dollars and passing them along to organizations that do their best to try and spread the wealth in our communities?

Much like finding the right gift for a loved one, giving to one’s charity of choice at Christmastime can elicit strong feelings of satisfaction that we’ve done some good for others.

And isn’t that what this season is about?

–Black Press


Comox Valley Record