Quantum Cannabis had its grand opening in Creston on Nov. 5. Photo: Aaron Hemens

Editorial: New business is better than no business

"You may not indulge in cannabis, but what's more of an eyesore: a business that is operating within its legal rights? Or a vacant building?"

As of Nov. 5, Creston now has four licensed cannabis retail stores operating in town.

Quantum Cannabis joins Sticky Leaf, Jimmy’s Cannabis and Creston Valley Cannabis as the four entities that are selling legal cannabis to residents in town.

When the news was shared on the Creston Valley Advance’s Facebook page, the post quickly garnered mixed reactions from readers online.

Some were disappointed and said that another pot shop in town is one too many, that there are other businesses that are more deserving of a license to operate. Examples listed include a clothing store or a health facility.

But many argued in favour of the recent establishment, arguing that new business is better than no business. From my point of view, I don’t see a problem with the spawn of a new cannabis shop. For a town with Creston’s size, four weed stores might seem a little much. But I agree with what many residents are saying: new business is better than no business.

Quantum Cannabis is no different from any other business in town. Their employees are honest residents who are providing a service and are working to make a living. You may not indulge in cannabis, but what’s more of an eyesore: a business that is operating within its legal rights? Or a vacant building?

Four weed stores in Creston tells me is that there’s plenty of residents in town who consume pot. There’s a big chance that someone you know occasionally dabbles in marijuana and you might not even be aware of it. It’s a lot more popular than you would think. There’s clearly a market for it in town, and I don’t see this market as one that’s having detrimental effects on the wellbeing of the community.

I can understand the concern from community members about having one too many pot shops in town but’s important to remember that recreational cannabis use in Canada has been legal for over two years now. The stigma around cannabis use still exists. Several cannabis users turn to weed for its health benefits, whether it’s for coping with physical pain or calming anxiety levels.

On another note, we’re living in a time where businesses across the board are struggling to stay afloat due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I think that instead of shaming new businesses, we should be more welcoming and supportive of them. Remind yourself that the employees working at the four cannabis stores in town are all members of the community, and they are deserving of making a livelihood.

If you’re someone who is disappointed in seeing a new weed store in town, simply don’t visit it. Weed isn’t for everyone, and that’s ok. But don’t condemn a legal business that is providing a service to many in town, especially for those who may be struggling during these trying times.

Do you have something to add to this story, or something else we should report on? Email:

@aaron_hemensaaron.hemens@crestonvalleyadvance.caLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Creston Valley Advance