Editorial: New Year, new you!

Editorial: New Year, new you!

Be kind to yourself in 2019

Have you ever noticed how hard we are on ourselves when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions?

Lose weight, eat healthier, get more exercise, stop smoking; all very hard things to do, and let’s face it, making a resolution isn’t going to help you get there. Year after year, polls show most people report abandoning their resolutions a few weeks into the new year.

How about resolving to be nice to yourself instead? Instead of resolving to jog a couple of kilometres a day, how about resolving to carve some time out of your schedule for activities you enjoy, whether that be solo or with family?

Letting go of the world for a little while and doing something you enjoy is one of the easiest ways to relieve stress, and when you do get back to work you’ll likely find yourself more focused and productive.

That goes for micro-breaks as well. Maybe you could resolve to stretch, go for a walk, meditate or simply stop and breathe more often during the day.

Resolving to improve your lifestyle can be as simple as setting aside a minute a day to sit and breathe without any interruptions from phones or social media. The world will still be there when you get back.

Or how about resolving to meet new people? We all tend to live in a bubble of regular work, friends and family. Terrace, like many smaller towns, has a reputation of being a place in which it’s difficult to meet new people, but there are ways. You could resolve to join a group like Toastmasters or other clubs to enlarge your social circle. Maybe you could join a volunteer organization and lend a helping hand at the same time (read our Page 3 story about fire fighter recruitment and note the comraderie the fire fighters experience at the department); guaranteed, there are lots of groups that could use a donation of your time.

Whatever your resolution, try setting a goal you can achieve, rather than setting the bar so high, you disappoint yourself.


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