
EDITORIAL: No time like the present to give

Charitable giving is more important than ever this holiday season

Regular readers have likely noticed over the past month that, for obvious reasons, instead of being filled with stories about seasonal events and attractions, holiday plays and concerts to help fill your social schedule, the community pages of the Peace Arch News have been dedicated, in large part, to the efforts of local people and organizations who are raising funds or collecting items for neighbours in need on the Semihamoo Peninsula.

Whether that need existed pre-COVID-19 or has come as a result of the economic downturn that has hit many industries hard these past several months, there are many people in our community who are stepping up their efforts or stepping forward for the first time to try to make things just a little better for those who may not have a roof over their head, a warm coat on their back or a hot meal to sustain them.

Though unscientific, our most recent PAN poll produced a somewhat surprising result, with more than two thirds of respondents indicating they have no plans to make a charitable donation this year.

Granted, not everyone is in a position to give money, or even time, to a cause. But we’re certain there are many people out there who are able – and plan – to give or do a little something to help make what can be a difficult time of year a little easier for neighbours who find themselves in challenging circumstances.

It doesn’t have to be a lot. If many people give a little, it can add up as quickly as if a few gave a lot. That said, if you’re in a position to give generously, this is the year to give it some serious consideration. Pick a cause that speaks to you and go for it.

Of course, giving important every year – and not just during the holidays, but all year round.

This past week we marked Giving Tuesday, a day when British Columbians are encouraged to donate to a non-profit agency that is working to make the season a little brighter – whether that’s by helping to put a holiday meal on someone’s table or presents for their children under the tree.

The point of designating a single Tuesday in November as a “giving” day, isn’t to suggest that donating is a “one-and-done” kind of affair, but to remind us that need always exists in our community, and that for those of us who are lucky enough to be in a position to give, any day is the right day to do it.

But with the holiday season now upon us, there really is no time like the present.

Peace Arch News