Thanks to letter writer Bob Jones for an adult’s perspective on the Citizen’s embarrassingly partisan editorial regarding the federals Liberals’ decision to stop auditing phony charities and allow them to continue undermining our economy.
Your editorial indicates the appalling lack of interest in reality typical of anti-Conservatives. Anyone interested in reality knows these phony charities are just tools for foreigners to use in sabotaging our oil and gas industry and preventing the tidewater pipelines that are clearly in our national interest. But you can’t or won’t understand this. Instead you refer to Conservative efforts to protect our economy and our sovereignty as the act of a “repressive dictatorship”, and “un-Canadian”. This makes you sound delusional and unhinged, at least to those who know what a repressive dictatorship actually is.
There are different kinds of Canadians, it seems. Some care about Canada and her future in a real way. Others care about being liked by others, and the viewpoints they espouse are simply whatever they think others will approve of. Typically they mindlessly support policies that are bad for Canada and, oblivious to their hypocrisy, they enjoy snidely denigrating Conservatives with sneering insults and a complete lack of respect. The ease with which these people are manipulated by cynical but clever political operatives like Trudeau’s ghastly puppetmaster Gerry Butts is one of the biggest problems we face as a nation. Looking at you, Citizen editor(s), looking at you.
John Brackenbury
Shawnigan Lake