EDITORIAL: Parking meters makes no cents

It appears most of the parking citizens of this community aren’t prepared to start racking up 50-cent charges on their credit card

It appears most of the parking citizens of this community aren’t prepared to start racking up 50-cent charges on their credit card.

And who can blame them?

Why not just pull a couple quarters out of your pocket and save yourself the inevitable banking procedure needed to pay off those miniscule charges?

So while it was a nice gesture to try, kudos to the City of Vernon staff for opting to remove the meters with their credit card capabilities.

On the other side of the coin, the option is handy.

Some days you could really use the option to pay with credit (or an even better option would be debit) when your change purse is empty.

But the cost to purchase the fancy meters, and keep them running, is more than they are worth in convenience.

A better option would to bring back the machines that accept dimes and nickels.

How many times have you pulled up to a meter and shifted through your pocket only to reveal a couple dimes and nickels? Quarters appear to be a hot commodity therefore they aren’t always readily available.

Whose idea was it to remove the option for ‘petty change’ anyway?

Apparently it came about when a number of old meters needed to be replaced.

Although pennies are no longer an accepted currency, the Canadian government hasn’t axed nickels and dimes (yet – perhaps the city knows more than we do).


So since those five and 10 cent coins are still valid, there should still be an option for the parking public to use them.



Vernon Morning Star