Editorial: public comment now sought on budget

City council is releasing its grip on the draft financial plan for the city and opening the document up for public comment on April 2.

The ball is now in the people’s court.

City council is releasing its grip on the draft financial plan for the city and opening the document up for public comment on April 2.

Public consultations are one way of obtaining the opinion of the people of Rossland.  Consultations are frequently initiated by a municipal government when updating existing tax policies or drafting new initiatives.

In addition to consulting on specific policy areas, the city organizes annual pre-budget consultations which taxpayers’ are invited to attend to provide input to council in preparation for the municipal budget.

The annual budget is the key policy document of the city. It announces new spending, anticipated revenues and provides a municipal economic forecast. The budget is a major vehicle for carrying out the priorities of the city.

The city’s staff is responsible for coordinating the annual budgetary process, which is integrated, collaborative, and consultative—and something elected politicians in the city have been retooling for several months.

In doing so city staff has pulled budgets from all departments so council could review and analyze budgetary requests. This information was then used to inform council’s draft budgetary decisions.

Now that document awaits public comment, the most valued part of the process.

Prepare to attend and give your opinion.


Rossland News