EDITORIAL: Rainbow crosswalk sends a message

It is time for Vernon council and the community at large to take a stand for inclusivity

The prospect of a rainbow crosswalk in Vernon has certainly generated some debate.

On social media, some residents have questioned the need for a multi-coloured crosswalk at 30th Avenue and 30th Street. They insist it would only meet the needs of a single special interest group.

Unfortunately, they are missing the point and the efforts of resident Travis Irmen to embrace the rich diversity of Vernon.

“It’s inclusive for our community to show support for everyone,” he said.

“It’s an inclusive symbol and not just about LGBTQ.”

The colours could reflect all of our residents, no matter their gender, orientation, culture, ability or what ever else makes them who they are.

Irmen’s campaign will eventually go before city council for consideration, but already there appears to be some push-back.

“The only issue for the community is the maintenance and upkeep of crosswalks,” said Mayor Akbal Mund.

Yes budgets are important but there is already a cost to installing white crosswalks and given the condition of many of them, the city should be worried about the white ones wearing out as much as they are about coloured ones.

It is time for Vernon council and the community at large to take a stand for inclusivity and catch the rainbow wave sweeping across the province.


Vernon Morning Star