EDITORIAL: Remembering sacrifices made

One does not have to go far in our community to see that Remembrance Day holds a special place in our hearts.

One does not have to go far in our community to see that Remembrance Day holds a special place in our hearts.

Everywhere you look, residents don poppies to mark the solemn time where we pay our respects to those who have served our country for the freedoms we enjoy today.

Hundreds will gather at the cenotaph to take in the services organized by our local Legion, and we thank them for their efforts.

With all the events occurring in the world recently, Canadians are more thankful than ever for our beautiful, free country.

Images of war-torn Syria dominate our television screens. The faces of innocent women and children caught in war are often too much too bear.

Refugees fleeing their countries for safety are still flooding into many parts of Europe with nowhere to go.

This year Remembrance Day also comes just after the tumultuous election in the U.S. where democratic candidate Hillary Clinton lost the election to republican Donald Trump.

The world watched in amazement as Trump took an unprecedented approach to get to the White House, promising to build a wall against Mexico and tear up trade deals.

Whether you are for or against Trump, one thing made clear in the days that have followed the election is that peace and security is a gift that we can never take for granted in this uncertain world.

Lest we forgot.

– Williams Lake Tribune

Williams Lake Tribune