EDITORIAL: Research and beer is on MLA’s vacation agenda

The usual collection of Wednesday morning musings and meditations.

IRISH BREW Hard-working Sooke MLA John Horgan is in Ireland for the next few weeks.

Officially, it’s to research family history with his sister, but Horgan doesn’t expect it to be all work and no play.

“I’ll do a few days of research, but then I think I’ll find a bar stool and enjoy some beers,” he chuckled.

SHIP AHOY! Sooke’s ghost ship is becoming more and more of a mystery.

The former Royal Canadian Navy ship sits idle at a dock at Cooper’s Cove. Ask someone about it and the only thing everyone agrees with is that it’s been there a long time.

The ship, formerly HMCS Cowichan, is rusting away.

HMCS Cowichan is a 152-foot Bay-class minesweeper that served in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1957 to 1964 then as a training ship from 1970 to 1997. She is the third ship to carry the name Cowichan.

It’s a shame to see HMCS Cowichan rotting away. Not a great ending to a once-proud fighting ship.

FLAG ME A trusted reader has an idea that may save the District of Sooke millions of dollars – and no need for the Brownsey Roundsie.

He was admiring the efficiency of the road projects flaggers and pointed out the district could hire those folks for five years or so to manage the traffic on Sooke Road. This could be money saved from not building the roundsie.

The Ministry of Transportation has a team of flag persons keeping traffic under control, with few problems.

Imagine what they could do if they were just managing traffic – and not dealing with heavy machinery.

PASS THE TIMBITS No official word yet, but rumors persist that Tim Hortons has its eyes on Sooke.

Another development issue – planning is in the works for an Evergreen Centre renovation.

We haven’t heard if the two are connected, but one source said Tim Hortons could be moving into the new Royal Bank building, set to be completed this fall.

IN THE FAMILY WAY Mayor Maya Tait is starting to show her bubble.

“There’s no hiding it anymore. It’s out there,” she said last week.

In July, the mayor announced to the world (OK, those at a city

council meeting) that she and her husband were expecting their first child.

“I was kind of glad I made the announcement when I did. If I waited until September, there would have been no hiding it.”

Tait is due to delivery her baby in December.


Kevin Laird is editor of the Sooke News Mirror. He can reached by email at klaird@blackpress.ca or by phone at 250-642-5752.


Sooke News Mirror