Editorial: Respect is earned

All about elections and politicians, local and provincial

y the time this is being read the election will be over. While our press times don’t allow us the liberty of waiting until the final results are in, we can congratulate the winner. Our best guess is that John Horgan returns for another four years as our representative to the B.C. legislature.

Last week when we mentioned the talk about the office on the election, it was not meant in any way to be a ‘prediction.’ We don’t predict, we try to remain as neutral as possible, because it is not our job to influence readers in any way.  But we do often mention the talk about town, because it is a guage of which way the wind is blowing. We have to work with whoever gets in provincially and to colour that relationship would be foolhardy. Besides, it is not exactly ethical.

In our riding, the Juan de Fuca, the candidates fought a good fight and did not resort to name-calling or underhanded tactics. They were polite to the extreme.

I wish the same was true around our local council table. The politicians, and that’s what they are, are a curious lot. They are supposed to represent ALL of the citizens of Sooke but all too often it becomes about who their friends and supporters are. Squabbling and disrespect is evident at times and it is disheartening to see that. It seems some of them are already campaigning for the next election taking place in a year-and-a-half. What will get them into council again is fair play, not granting favours to special interest groups. A council that is cohesive is more effective and earns the respect of the voters… and the votes.

Sooke News Mirror