EDITORIAL: Revoke teen’s driver’s licence

B.C. has some reasonably tough fines and penalties in effect for excessive speeding and driving without due care and attention...

B.C. has some reasonably tough fines and penalties in effect for excessive speeding and driving without due care and attention.

However, for a local 17-year-old and some of his pals, those laws are obviously not near harsh enough.

This particular young man was caught doing 133 km/h in a 60 km/h zone on Maclure last Sunday afternoon.

He got a ticket for excessive speeding, which ranges between $368 and $483.

His ride – the family’s Chrysler 300 – was also impounded for seven days.

For most young drivers, those penalties – in addition to whatever was handed out by the parents – would deliver enough sting to alter behaviour behind the wheel.

For others, however, the effect is apparently minimal.

This teen would be proof of that, considering that two weeks earlier, he was part of a  jackass performance in which two drivers held back other motorists to clear the way for four buddies, who were travelling erratically at speeds of 80 to 100 km/h in 50 to 60 km/h zones.

Police stopped them and they were each issued tickets for driving without due care and attention, which carries a fine of $368.

Between the ages of 17 to 21, all had their cars impounded, including the individual nabbed roaring along Maclure last Sunday.

The gall of this young man is jaw-dropping, to say nothing of the danger he posed to innocent lives.

The fact that he was given another seven-day impoundment just a week after getting the car back is equally stunning. One wonders what admonishment he received at home, if any.

The Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles can issue further driving penalties – such as an extended impound or licence revocation upon review of a driver’s record.

This teen’s record begs for such a review, resulting in licence revocation.

Three months sounds appropriate. For that matter, how about six?

Abbotsford News