Editorial: Rights apply to everyone

Editorial comment focuses upon acceptance of others' views, or the lack of it

A time-honoured concept is put to the test in this week’s edition – just as publications like this one were created to allow for.

It’s a pointed and critical statement (Letters to the Editor, P.A7) about the lifestyles of others and it’s in marked contrast with evident trends of late which point to a growing acceptance of diversity in our society.

Those with lifestyles long-considered by some to be aberrant can hardly be blamed for celebrating when an occasion comes along (pride events) designed just for them.There’s no freedom and mainstream legitimacy, after all, like new-found freedom and legitimacy.

All the same, there is none among us who  forfeits their right to an opinion, regardless of changes in attitudes over the course of the decades. To deny that right to someone who weighs in from a different perspective is to put the brakes on the very diversity some hope to promote.

Where lines are crossed, is when extreme views are more energetically promoted, or even acted upon.

We all do have a right to our own opinions, but there are some things all of us can benefit from. One of those things is consideration for the rights of those who may hold opposing views. So long as placards don’t wave, nor insults, or worse, fly in our direction, sometimes it’s best to simply accept our differences and move on.

It can only be hoped the same tolerant tack may be taken by those on all sides.

Castlegar News