EDITORIAL: Rogers review ‘savings’ for city a puzzle

The Judy Rogers management review of the City of Port Alberni leaves many questions unanswered.

A cost analysis of the Judy Rogers management review of the City of Port Alberni has left many questions unanswered.

The biggest question is ‘where are the long-term savings?’.

The initial report cost nearly $50,000 in 2015, and moves as a result of the report cost a further $50,000 in 2016 so far. Granted, some savings have been realized with the postponement of filling positions, and the elimination of one manager accomplished by shifting others around.

Our second question would be, if there are no savings, why bother going through this review?.

We understand the need to streamline management, and find cost efficiencies. However, the details in this report are unsatisfactory as to what ‘efficiencies’ there will be. So far, it seems the management shift is going to cost the city an additional $8,300 per year—a pittance when you look at the millions in the city’s overall budget, but a tangible cost nonetheless.

The review has shaken up management at the city, and if that was the original intent of the report, then mission accomplished. However, there have been some moves made that weren’t included in the report, and we wonder if they will come at a greater cost to the city than anyone anticipated.

At the end of the day, we hope city council feels it was worth it.




Alberni Valley News