Editorial runs contrary to previous positions

I was amazed by the editorial setting out what the NDP must do to win the next election in the last edition.

I was amazed by the editorial setting out what the NDP must do to win the next election in the last edition.

First, the election hasn’t been called yet.

Second, I’d bet dollars to donuts that Black Press endorsed the Liberals in the last three elections. So where is the mea culpa, the acknowledgement that they share some of the responsibility for what we got?

It isn’t as though the Liberals suddenly changed their spots after 2009.

Third, they have columnists like Mr. Tom Fletcher who has so far refused to answer my March 8 email asking him what  his own scientific credentials are which enable him to say that David Suzuki is resorting to bad science.

I’m still waiting.

Now some anonymous  writer knows what the NDP “must” do and what the voters think? Shouldn’t this be preceded by coming clean themselves?  How about, “We were wrong.”

Richard SmileyAnglemont


Salmon Arm Observer