EDITORIAL: Safety first on area highways

no impaired driving charges handed out last weekend by the RCMP

It’s gratifying to see that drivers seem to be getting the message.

There were no impaired driving charges handed out last weekend by the RCMP  despite conducting three, eight-hour road checks throughout Greater Vernon.

Just two weeks previous there were 14 motorists issued 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IPRs) compared to just a couple this past weekend.

While two can be argued is two too many, it shows that hopefully the message is getting out that impaired driving won’t be tolerated.

It’s a message that is crucially important during the holiday season, when people who have been celebrating the season need to find themselves a safe ride home.

Designated drivers and taxi cabs are a must for anyone that knows they will be imbibing at a social event. And that goes for day or night.

Another traffic safety consideration worth noting is the number of accidents last Friday during a snowstorm.

RCMP report there were 23 accidents in the North Okanagan during that time and, although each mishap is possibly for different reasons, drivers generally need to slow down for winter conditions.

The speed limit is a maximum for ideal conditions but when there’s snow on the road, possibly ice, and less than perfect visibility, a safe speed is considerably slower.

Please exercise caution on area roads over the holidays and ensure everyone arrives safely by slowing down for conditions and allowing us all to move into the new year on an accident-free note.


Vernon Morning Star