EDITORIAL: Seniors need a home

EDITORIAL: Seniors need a home

The issue, of course, is money. Who is going to pay for the new structure if one is approved?

It appears that the idea for a new seniors’ centre and housing project is not going to get past the concept stage.

A staff report, which will go before Mission council on Monday, recommends that the district take no further action on the plan. The district requested a feasibility study on the proposed mixed-use project that would have been located at 7682 Grand St.

Now complete, the study indicates that the project would need “a considerable injection of funds,” requires outside sources to manage it, and it would be hard to find tenants.

In fact, the Mission Association for Seniors Housing indicated it would be difficult to fill the number of units required to make the project viable. So what now?

While the housing component may not be realistic, the fact remains that Mission’s seniors need a new facility. They have been asking, negotiating and planning with various councils over the years, but to no avail.

The issue, of course, is money. Who is going to pay for the new structure if one is approved? The Mission RCMP need a new building, city hall has become too small … the list of projects is piling up.

The challenge for the district is figuring out how to pay for everything without overburdening its taxpayers.

Still, we owe it to our seniors to try.


Mission City Record