EDITORIAL: Sewage lagoon requires review

Obviously some Armstrong residents find themselves in a very stinky situation.

Obviously some Armstrong residents find themselves in a very stinky situation.

After all, nobody wants to be out in their yards, which they have invested a lot of time and money into, and constantly smell sewer. But that’s what’s happening on a regular basis for those in proximity to the open sewage pond next to the Nor-Val Sports Centre.

“People can’t enjoy their gardens or open their windows in hot weather,” said resident Patricia Smith.

Now for a little background, the sewer pond was constructed more than 20 years ago in a relatively remote part of Armstrong at the time. However, the community has grown since then and there are more people living nearby or using recreational amenities.

The odours are related to flooding and equipment malfunctions, but at the end of the day, should such a facility be located in the middle of town?

A significant challenge for city officials is the community is geographically small and there is no land available that wouldn’t impact somebody. So any future solutions exist outside of Armstrong boundaries in adjacent Spallumcheen.

But for the sewage pond to move, it’s going to take big dollars, something local taxpayers can’t handle on their own.

That’s why it’s critical that the city initiate a process now for the long-term because Armstrong’s urbanization will only grow over time and a sewage pond will increasingly be out of place.

That process not only involves talking to senior government officials but updating the liquid waste management plan. It’s time to get moving.

Vernon Morning Star