Editorial shows lack of reasonable thought

Based on the editorial in the Jan. 13 Market News, it appears the paper have much use for the idea of representative democracy.

Based on the editorial in the Jan. 13 Market News, neither publisher Rick Proznick nor editor Tracy Hughes have much use for the idea of representative democracy.

Since that editorial is ascribed to Kamloops This Week one can assume it went to all Black Press papers so the same sentiment prevails for the Black Press empire. In Canada we are supposed to have a system approaching equality when it comes to representation in the House of Commons.  Right now we have four MPs in P.E.I. Representing the same number of people that one MP represents in B.C. That is hardly a fair representation for voters in B.C.

Rather than blame PM Harper for adding more seats in the Commons blame  Canada’s “greatest PM ever” P.E. Trudeau, who saddled us with this wonderful constitution which makes it impossible to reduce the number of MPs.

The same holds true for the Senate. Sure Mr. Harper was all for reforming the senate. But, again, the constitution makes it all but impossible.  And, since the senate is part of our government structure, regions are entitled to their fair representation. Here again, it is anything but fair. If Harper refused to appoint senators to vacancies, the news media would cry foul.  So, in effect, Harper is “damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.”

It always amazes me at how little reasonable thought is exercised by newspaper editors before they submit their drivel for publication!


Al Schalm

Salmon Arm Observer