EDITORIAL: Silver lining to sad summer

So it hasn’t exactly been a stellar North Okanagan summer so far...

So it hasn’t exactly been a stellar North Okanagan summer so far.

That’s an understatement as many locals are complaining and wondering where all the rain’s coming from and why the temperatures are more Coast-like than Interior-like.

Apparently, if the meteorologists can be trusted, that’s all about to change in the coming days as summer will bust out before you can slap on enough sunscreen for you and your children.

And there’s a silver lining to all the clouds that have been dominating the horizon of late.

“Drought levels have been downgraded to Level 1 (least risk) in most of the Thompson Okanagan,” said Shauna Weir, of the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources.

So our water situation is looking good this deep into summer and speaking of forests, the fire situation has been a non-starter in these parts so far. All good stuff that takes some of the bite out of a sad summer so far.

However, as anyone who’s lived here any length of time can tell you, August is pretty much guaranteed to be hot and dry and situations can change considerably in a short period of time.

So do continue to conserve water and observe safe practices when it comes to camping and campfires and with any luck at all we’ll soon have the best of both worlds: the rest of the summer where we can enjoy good weather without campfire bans and much more strict sprinkling regulations.


Vernon Morning Star