Editorial: Speak up, be heard

The next few weeks hold a handful of opportunities for residents to voice their opinions

In both Harrison and Agassiz, the opportunity to speak out about the shaping of your community is nigh.

On Monday, Dec. 17 at 4 p.m., the District of Kent is opening its doors, and ears, to comments and suggestions for its business licensing and regulation bylaw.

It may be a tough time for some to attend, with the CP Holiday Train chugging through later that night, but this is a meeting that is worth attending.

The mayor has implored, several times, over the past few meetings that he genuinely wants the public to start speaking up about policy changes, the direction council is heading, and the future of the community — and that means those who are in favour of the current direction and those who are not.

Monday night is a perfect chance to learn more. If you can’t make it out on Monday night, they’ve decided to hold a second public meeting, at 4 p.m. on Jan. 7.

They clearly want to hear your opinions, before making changes to this bylaw. And to be clear, it’s a bylaw that affects nearly everyone in the community, whether you run a daycare, a small shop, a large business, or even plan to sell eggs at the roadside.

And in Harrison, mark your calendars for the round table discussion planned in the new year.

Unlike the Q&A sessions that follow council, this discussion will be led by an outside consultant, and your comments will be recorded and directed to council in a report.

This is your chance to speak up. Want to see more trails in the community? Say so at the meeting. Not a fan of the lagoon? Bring a suggestion for change.

Residents in both communities should embrace these meetings, and attend in full force. Get discussion going. Give your feedback. It’s your community, after all.

The people you elected to speak for you are asking for your opinion. So we say, why not speak while you’re being listened to?


– Agassiz Harrison Observer

Agassiz Observer