Editorial: Take stress out of the equation

Editorial asks whether you would pay $1,000 for a drink?

It is the holiday season and stress is at an all time high for some. The short days and dark mornings and nights cause frustration and for some, seasonal affective disorder. Take the light away and some folks react unfavourably, they get grumpy and short tempered. They may noteven know that they are affected.

There are a lot of expectations that go into most holidays and as the saying goes, “expectation is disappointment waiting to happen.”

May we suggest that having that one extra drink won’t help your stress and in fact it may hinder you when you make decisions. Do not get behind the wheel and drive, it’s not worth it. It’s dangerous, costly and can ruin a perfectly good reputation just because of a poor decision made while under the influence. Add to that the danger of being out on these windy and dark roads and you have a recipe for disaster.

While the drunk driving infractions are being reconsidered, it doesn’t mean anyone gets off the hook. Use a designated driver, taxi, bus or stay where you are. There is no one you might party with that wouldn’t give you a place to sleep if there is no other option. If they don’t care, perhaps they aren’t the best people to party with.

The police will be out there, you can count on that. They will make you blow into the roadside breathalizer and they will haul your car away and possibly you. Just ask yourself, would you pay about a $1,000 a drink if you get nabbed? Somewhere close to $8,000 is about how much it will cost you if you get a lawyer and pay all of the associated costs. Just don’t drink and drive. It’s that simple.

Sooke News Mirror