Editorial: Thank-you

There is talk of the number of volunteers decreasing as jobs become more plentiful and people spend more time making ends meet...

There is talk of the number of volunteers decreasing as jobs become more plentiful and people spend more time making ends meet than taking time out for community projects. But most of cultural and recreational additions to town came through the loving hands of volunteers.

While workers come to town, they may use services but they might not be here long enough to engage locally.

Or, and kudos to these folks, they might jump right in and try to make things happen.

Speaking of which, several who jumped right in and began organizing events, such as the Summer Arts Festival, are leaving town.

Here’s hoping some fresh faces step up to fill those empty spaces.

Volunteering is an excellent way to get to know a new community and meet friends and neighbours, and contribute to a good cause.

As many event organizers say afterward, they couldn’t do all the activities planned for visitors and residents alike without the time that volunteers give. Often, they’re only asking volunteers to help out for an hour or two, or even if it’s longer, many volunteers find they have a lot of fun and satisfaction from helping out.

So while you’re out and about during Riverboat Days, remember those who are helping out and thank them for taking the time to make the events what they are – and maybe give them your number so you can share your time, too.


Terrace Standard