EDITORIAL: Thanks for the thanks

Life is hectic in a newsroom.

We’re pelted with a constant flood of information from a variety of sources.

Life is hectic in a newsroom.

We’re pelted with a constant flood of information from a variety of sources.

Add deadlines that always loom and it’s easy for editors and reporters to get caught up in the whirlpool that is a modern newsroom.

While rushing to get our twice-a-week package of information to you (not to mention the website and social media duties between print deadlines), we don’t typically have time to reflect about the fact that what we do affects real people.

That’s why we need to be reminded periodically.

This often takes the form of a complaint about something we have reported incorrectly. Or perhaps information we recounted correctly, but which caused upset to people who are affected by it.

Once in a while, we are thanked for something we’ve shared with our readers.

Rarely are we thanked so completely and touchingly as when an envelope arrived recently from several members of the Living Hope Christian Fellowship.

It contained a thank-you card from Tim, Linda and Danielle of the LHCF’s Cambodia Team 2013.

We really hadn’t done that much – merely printed a press release, but the handmade card touched the heart of a crusty old editor.

On the cover was a photograph of the article in the Aug. 15 Comox Valley Record headlined “Silent auction to help Cambodian youth.”

Inside, the card read, “Because you ran our story in your newspaper last week, a generous donation was given by a Comox Valley business and many people learned about our project. A heartfelt thank you for your contribution to the Cambodian Youth Project.”

Underneath a photograph of a Cambodian girl, the card read, “Behind every picture … there is a story! Ponder hers.”

Local support helps to sustain a youth centre in the Southeast Asian nation that provides education for youth.

It was our pleasure to help, especially because we were reminded that what we do can really make a difference.

Thanks also to local businesses that support worthy causes.



Comox Valley Record