
EDITORIAL: The decision has been made and the election is over

Our federal government exists to serve all Canadians, no matter how they voted or if they voted

The ballots have been counted, and the outcome of the election is clear.

The results of this week’s federal election will not please everyone. There are those who would have preferred a different party forming the government. Some would have liked to see different numbers of seats for the various parties – perhaps something requiring constant coalitions and alliances. And others would have preferred an outcome where all 338 seats went to one party, allowing decisions to go ahead with little or no debate.

Whatever anyone thinks of the outcome of this election, the voters have spoken and the results will set the tone for the House of Commons in the months and years ahead. The decisions were made based on the choices available to voters and the values held by those who cast ballots. The electoral process in Canada is fair and transparent and subject to scrutiny.

Canada’s electoral system allows citizens a voice in choosing federal, provincial and municipal governments. It is possible to choose from several parties and candidates on the ballot. In some parts of the world, such a choice does not exist.

The results of the Sept. 20 election show our differences, regionally and within individual ridings. Not all of us voted the same way. Not all agree on the direction the country should take. This is how democracy works in this country.

Now that the election is over, the democratic process continues.

Those who were elected will need to work together in order to make the wisest decisions for the country. At times, compromise will be required.

We need to respect this part of the process, no matter what our personal political leanings. The effectiveness of a government is based on how well the representatives can work together for the good of the country. This is far more important than shouting slogans and partisan platitudes.

Our federal government exists to serve all Canadians, no matter how they voted or if they voted.

The decision has been made and the election is over. The voters have spoken.

editor@sookenewsmirror.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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