EDITORIAL: Time to start talking about substance abuse

The forum on youth substance use featured counsellors, a prevention and health promotion specialist, and a parent and youth panel.

Whether it’s alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, meth, acid or whatever vice chosen, substance abuse impacts almost everyone you know, one way or another.

It may be your brother or sister, your child or parent or even just a person on the street you happen to drive by, but whatever the connection, addiction has touched your life.

Some lives more than others.

Last night, the District of Mission held a forum on substance abuse and while the afternoon sessions were for service groups and politicians, the evening session was open to the public – more specifically, parents.

The meeting took place after press deadline but organizers were expecting a huge turnout.

The forum on youth substance use featured counsellors, a prevention and health promotion specialist, and a parent and youth panel to answer questions.

Many parents do not notice any warning signs that their child is in danger. Even worse, they do not know where to turn for help if they suspect their child is abusing drugs.

Last night was an opportunity to share stories, ask questions and get the subject of substance abuse out in the open. It is likely the only way to effect a positive change both in our attitude towards drug users and how the community can come together to help them.

It’s a small step in the right direction. Here’s hoping that more forums will come.


Mission City Record