EDITORIAL: Transit solution must be found

The City of Vernon, B.C. Transit and the Village Green Centre must come together

A major thrust to transit is providing residents with a convenient opportunity to get where they need to go.

By and large, that is happening in Vernon, but some challenges have ensued since the transit stop at the Village Green Centre food court entrance disappeared earlier this year.  Buses have been left to pick up and drop off on busy 48th Avenue and passengers must walk some distance through a parking lot to reach the mall.

It was hoped 48th Avenue would be temporary and a bus stop would return to the mall, but that hasn’t occurred since the various parties involved can’t reach an agreement.

But no one should consider a resolution out of reach.

Bentall Kennedy, which owns the mall, the city and B.C. Transit have all pledged that they are willing to explore options that benefit passengers.

“We intend to have further dialogue with B.C. Transit and the city on potential solutions to address the needs of our tenants, shoppers and members of the community,” states Bentall Kennedy.

What’s needed now is for all sides not to communicate by e-mail or letters but to physically come together in a room, and to involve a facilitator if their presence may help discussions. The city also needs to cast aside the rhetoric it’s been tossing around in recent days. It’s not helping.

In the end, hopefully a deal can be reached that resolves the issue and keeps passengers moving.


Vernon Morning Star