Editorial: Try volunteering; you might like

A wise person once said, time is like money, it isn’t how much you have, but what you do with what you have

A wise person once said, time is like money, it isn’t how much you have, but what you do with what you have.

Certainly a commendable aspiration, considering how short life really is.

The realities of modern day life, however, seem to strip away at our precious time at an ever increasing rate, making it difficult to spend time wisely.

Faced with these tugs on personal time, it is remarkable and noteworthy that many among us find the time to volunteer.

For that we are grateful.

Volunteers help build welcoming, supportive communities and rich communities.

Rich, not in the sense of wealth, but rather in terms of activities, events and services that serve to enrich the lives of everyone in the community.

In most communities, sports of any kind would not exist without the community members who volunteer their time to coach.

Service organizations such as the Rotary Club or the Lions Club, to name a few, offer their time in service to the community, in addition to raising money for special community projects.

Then there is the Penticton Peach Festival, a five-day long festival featuring a diverse set of events from entertainment to sports, Aboriginal Cultural Village, Seniors Day, a square-dancing festival, slopitch tournament and two parades.

All of this free of charge, all of it organized and run by volunteers, from the medical tent and trash removal up to the board of directors.

Volunteers always say they give their time to give back to the community.

Giving back to a community you care for is always time well spent.

Try it, you just might like it.



Penticton Western News