Editorial: Venus is not amused

Editorial comment, tediously, looks at the frustrating issue of vandalism

Our editorial range doesn’t usually take us outside the delivery area of the Castlegar News but in this instance, we’re willing to make an exception.

Venus De Cello, a beautiful granite sculpture by Winlaw artist Peter Vogelaar (who has also created some of the sand masterpieces hundreds have enjoyed as part of Sandsations) was damaged recently in what police are investigating as an act of vandalism.

In an interview with the Nelson Star, Joy Barrett, cultural development officer and Sculpturewalk executive director, said, “We’re lucky it didn’t just smash into a million pieces when it hit the ground.”

Lucky indeed.

It’s hard to imagine what an artist feels when something that took many hours of patience and skill is treated so callously.

It’s equally difficult to gauge the level of anger in the mind of the person(s) who may have done such a thing. Who exactly is the target of such an act? Who are you mad at and why did this sculpture have to pay the price?

We’re hoping it was an accident that someone hasn’t, to this point, owned up to but that explanation seems far-fetched given the weight of the sculpture and the secure foundation it had.

This piece was on display in Castlegar and enjoyed by many visitors and locals alike. It’s disheartening to see that some in Nelson may not appreciate what Sculpturewalk is trying to do for the region.

The location of Venus De Cello, outside of a bank, may allow investigators to see via security footage some clue as to what happened.

We hope it does and that those who may be responsible are held to account.                 M.B.

Castlegar News