EDITORIAL: Voters, educate yourself

On Tuesday night, candidates in the riding of Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon came together for an all-candidates meeting on social issues.

Finally! The federal election campaign is heating up at last.

On Tuesday night, candidates in the riding of Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon came together for an all-candidates meeting on social issues.

This marked the first time many voters in Mission had the opportunity to see all the candidates – with the exception of Marxist-Leninist candidate Elaine Wismer  who was a no-show – together in one room.

What proceeded was an often lively debate that showcased not only the policies of the candidates, but the personalities as well.

It was good to observe a little fire in what, so far, has been a quiet local campaign.

About 400 people came out to the Clarke Theatre to see their potential MPs in action. It’s a shame that more voters didn’t take advantage of the event.

In the end, some candidates did well while others not so, but if you didn’t go to the meeting you didn’t get to witness how the candidates do under pressure.

A second all-candidates took place last night in Abbotsford, so for many, it was another lost opportunity.

A third session, being hosted by the Mission Regional Chamber of Commerce, is set for Oct. 5, two weeks prior to election day. The meeting takes place at 7 p.m. in the Clarke Theatre. This could be an undecided voter’s last chance to see the candidates face each other.

Make the time to go. Educate yourself before you head to the polls.


Mission City Record