Educate yourself on smart meters

Notice to concerned citizens of the Kootenays regarding the installation of Smart Meters in British Columbia

Notice to concerned citizens of the Kootenays regarding the installation of Smart Meters in British Columbia

I am a senior citizen residing in Trail and I appeal to other citizens to educate themselves on the proposed installation of Smart Meters (wireless electromagnetic meter) in our homes and businesses.

As little or no information has gone out to the public, it is in our best interest to be informed on the repercussions of this decision our government has made on our behalf.

My personal concerns after much investigation are simple and basic to the safety and privacy of all, as well as this being a very undemocratic way this is being forced upon us all. Upon reviewing many reports and testimonials the safety of these devices is unclear.

I question the following:

Fire hazard possibilities, interference with household appliances and medical apparatus, health concerns due to radiation bursts, increase in the cost of electricity,  and invasion of privacy.

I urge everyone to question their electrical supplier and government representatives as to their intentions and the overall safety of these Smart Meter devices. You may access more information on your website at and and and

Please take the time to protect yourself and families and get involved for all our benefit.

Sherrie Whillier


Trail Daily Times