Elders bring forth concerns

Editor: Hadi, our names are Ruth Tibbetts and Peter John.



Our names are Ruth Tibbetts and Peter John. We are elders for the Burns Lake Band. We feel there are internal problems right now. The people of Burns Lake need to know what is happening to our on reserve band members. The chief and council have a fiduciary duty to take care of the members on the reserve. We feel this has not been happening. We are being oppressed. The following issues are:

– Christmas part dinner cancelled. We received presents but that was it.

– We have not been notified of a community meetings in 22 months.

– We have not had any  consultation in 22 months.

– We have not seen any financial reporting in 22 months.

– We have heard that there are business plans to spend millions but have been unable to have our input on it.

These are our only a few of our grievances. This oppression hurts us. This oppression has to stop.

We are  afraid to voice our concerns.

Elders Ruth Tibbetts and Peter John

Burns Lake


Burns Lake Lakes District News