Election embarrassing

I am a citizen who has voted for all of our major political parties at various times, as I saw something valuable in each of them. However, I’m confused and dismayed by the results of this election.

Stephen Harper led a far-right group formed to destroy our universal health care system.

With that kind of background, it amazes me that Canadians ever elected him to lead even a minority government.

Since that time, he has consistently demonstrated disdain for Canada’s political traditions and has shown contempt for Parliament and for democracy.

He has abused power in a way that’s unprecedented in Canadian federal politics.

Though Harper continually plays the patriot role, the policies he favours reveal his intentions of remaking Canada in the image of the U.S.  He doesn’t do this up front. He does it incrementally and by stealth.

He has imported into Canada the worst aspects of the American right, including its vicious and polarizing political culture.

There are many things about the United States that I admire and would like to copy, but its dog-eat-dog society is not one of them.

I do not consider the Harper government to be Canadian Conservatives in any way. That would be an insult to a great party which was instrumental in building our nation.

Harper’s people instead, are dismantling bit-by-bit, the Canada we have built.

It has been said by others and I agree the most appropriate name for the Harper crew is the Republican Party North. They are simply American wannabees masquerading as Canadians.

With Harper’s track record, you would think a population would have to be insane to give him a majority. Unfortunately, as we now know, that is what Canadians have done.

Some say countries get the government they deserve.

If that is true of present-day Canada, we must have done something absolutely unforgivable in order to deserve this one.

I feel ashamed and embarrassed over the outcome of this election, but most of all I feel so very sorry for my country.


Sharon Ramsdale, Vernon



Vernon Morning Star