Election’s over, no sense being angry

Brenda reflects on the results and wishes her new MP well in Ottawa

Election's over, no sense being angry

There now , don’t you feel so much better? Election fever has subsided. Your anger or excitement about the results should be over in one way or another.

For me the fact that we have a minority government is a good thing. Just a bit of the checks and balances.

Some government bills or laws will have to rely on the cooperation from another party. We don’t get everything we want after an election but we just might get more consideration.

I do have to congratulate Taylor Bachrach. Good for you Taylor and good luck as you start a new page in your life. I have an idea that Taylor will do his best for this region.

He will have his critics, but I think that is the name of the political game. Already I have heard from some who didn’t vote for Taylor. None of the complaints are easy for me to figure out. Smithers outhouse toilets are an issue. Someone complained about the rainbow painted piece of pavement. Another mentioned something about bike racks.

Have no idea about that. Mostly I have heard nothing but positive remarks about our new MP. I wish him heaps of good luck. In my mind there is nothing nicer than a good toilet or rainbow colours.

No sense being angry for the next four years or however long a minority government lasts. Look for the positive in our choice for this area. Besides, if you’re always in a snit about politics I have a pretty good idea you will reap the negative vibes from your attitude.

There you have it.

I say all that thinking about the fact that Halloween is about to spook my sensitivities. I guess Halloween is a nice thing for children. But for the life of me I can’t get a sense of all the adult involvement.

Costumes, candy, fireworks and maybe an old-fashioned carved pumpkin. My negative thoughts can be erased when I remember the Halloweens of my youth. A homemade costume, a pillowcase of goodies. I most often walked the candy route with my dad. He always regaled the neighbours with his barber shop stories. Lots of laughs filled the air when he asked for canned goods instead of sweets.

With a smile on my face and hope in my heart I hope the election will be as you wished and that Halloween will be a safe interlude for you.

You can call me at 250-846- 5095 or send a note to mallory@bulkley.net.

Smithers Interior News