Electoral reform

Resident challenges the Trudeau government over planned changes to elections

This is my response to Kathy Michaels’ excellent article about Hamish Telford. An interesting article by Michaels, and hats off to Telford for his integrity.

Canadians are getting wiser, so more and more are demanding proportional representation as a minimum requirement for any legitimate voting system.

AV ranked ballots are  just like first past the post in that both are forms of disproportional misrepresentation. Justin Trudeau’s preferred AV is just a disingenuous red herring offering no real improvement to the distortion.

Some in power advocate legitimate, proportionally elected parliaments even at the expense of their own short-term career prospects. Some MPs put democracy itself ahead of their party as they ought to, sometimes infuriating greedier and less ethical colleagues and ruling party donors.

Pierre  Trudeau insisted on a constitution that would limit the power of government by guaranteeing human rights to every citizen.  Justin Trudeau should be angling for proportional representation, not just more of the same disproportional misrepresentation.  Once PR is finally accomplished, Canada would become a true constitutional democracy, complete with fair elections.

Leif Harmsen



Vernon Morning Star